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All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool

VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.
Designed for both development and production time use.
Download VisualVM 2.1.9


July 16, 2024: VisualVM 2.1.9 Released

VisualVM 2.1.9 is a maintenance release mainly updating the VS Code extension. See the Release Notes for all changes. The tool can be downloaded from the Download page, sources are available in release219 branch.

April 24, 2024: VisualVM for VS Code Integration Extension Released

The VisualVM for VS Code extension has been released. It integrates the VisualVM tool with Visual Studio Code. More information is available at http://visualvm.github.io/idesupport.html.

March 19, 2024: VisualVM 2.1.8 Released

This release adds support for JDK 22 and delivers many improvements and bugfixes. See the Release Notes for all changes. The tool can be downloaded from the Download page, sources are available in release218 branch.
