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Release Notes

VisualVM 2.1.9 has been released on July 16th, 2024. This document describes changes introduced by this release.

System Requirements

Supported OS:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Linux: Intel platform, ARM HFLT, AArch64
  • macOS: Intel platform, Apple Silicon

Required Software:

  • Oracle JDK 8~22
  • OpenJDK 8~22
  • GraalVM 19 ~ GraalVM for JDK 22


Features and Enhancements:

  • GH-570: VSCode Extension - add custom cpu profiler filter
  • GH-563: [HeapViewer] display logical value of collection classes in java.util.ImmutableCollections
  • GH-512: Update password for existing JMX Connection

Fixed Bugs:

  • GH-581: Conflict between vscode visualvm extension and run test with coverage
  • GH-576: VS Code Extension - Usability Issues on macOS
  • GH-574: [HeapViewer] Displaying threads in Threads view is sometimes slow
  • GH-572: VSCode Extension - JDK Path with Spaces not working
  • GH-569: [HeapViewer] slow computation of "Merged GC Roots"
  • GH-564: Uptime is negative and counting down
  • GH-112: Cannot find Java 1.8

Known Problems

To view all known problems please see the VisualVM Issues page.

To resolve the most common problems please follow the Troubleshooting Guide.