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Command Line Options

This document describes the most useful command line options of the VisualVM launcher.

Use visualvm --help for a complete list of all available options.

On this page:

Setup Options

  • --jdkhome Sets the JDK installation to run VisualVM.
  • Typically VisualVM finds and uses a compatible JDK automatically. Use the --jdkhome option only if needed.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --jdkhome <path_to_jdk>
  • Example:
    visualvm --jdkhome "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk11" (Windows)
    visualvm --jdkhome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home (macOS)
    visualvm --jdkhome /usr/java/jdk11 (Linux)
  • --userdir Defines the directory to store user settings like remote hosts, JMX connections, etc., and installed plugins.
  • VisualVM starts with a default user directory without any configuration. Use the --userdir option only if needed.
  • Default user directory:
    C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\VisualVM\<version> (Windows)
    /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/VisualVM/<version> (macOS)
    /home/<user>/.visualvm/<version> (Linux)
  • Usage:
    visualvm --userdir <path_to_userdir>
  • Example:
    visualvm --userdir C:\Users\Me\visualvm_userdir (Windows)
    visualvm --userdir /home/me/visualvm_userdir (macOS, Linux)
  • --cachedir Defines the directory to store user cache, must be different from userdir.
  • VisualVM starts with a default cache directory without any configuration. Use the --cachedir option only if needed.
  • Default cache directory:
    C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\VisualVM\Cache\<version> (Windows)
    /Users/<user>/Library/Caches/VisualVM/<version> (macOS)
    /home/<user>/.cache/visualvm/<version> (Linux)
  • Usage:
    visualvm --cachedir <path_to_userdir>
  • Example:
    visualvm --cachedir C:\Users\Me\visualvm_cachedir (Windows)
    visualvm --cachedir /home/me/visualvm_cachedir (macOS, Linux)
  • --cp:p and --cp:a Prepends or appends custom classpath to the VisualVM classpath.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --cp:p <custom_classpath>
    visualvm --cp:a <custom_classpath>
  • Example:
    visualvm --laf com.my.LookAndFeel --cp:a %TEMP%\mylookandfeel.jar

Appearance Options

  • --laf Defines the Swing look and feel used to render the VisualVM GUI.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --laf <LaF_name> where LaF_name is one of Metal | Windows | Aqua | GTK
    visualvm --laf <LaF_classname> where LaF_classname is the custom LaF classname
  • Example:
    visualvm --laf Metal
    visualvm --laf com.my.LookAndFeel --cp:a %TEMP%\mylookandfeel.jar
  • --fontsize Defines the base font size used in the VisualVM GUI.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --fontsize <font_size>
  • Example:
    visualvm --fontsize 15

Functional Options

  • --openfile Opens the provided file or snapshot in the VisualVM GUI, if supported (.tdump, .hprof, .nps, .npss, .jfr, .apps).
  • Usage:
    visualvm --openfile <file>
  • Example:
    visualvm --openfile %TEMP%\recording.jfr
  • --openid Opens a process with the provided id in the VisualVM GUI.
  • The id is defined by the process' system property visualvm.id: java -Dvisualvm.id=custom_id -jar process.jar.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --openid <id>
    visualvm --openid <id@tab_idx> where tab_idx is a 1-based index of the process' tab to select
  • Example:
    visualvm --openid custom_id
    visualvm --openid custom_id@2
  • --openpid Opens a process with the provided pid in the VisualVM GUI.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --openpid <pid>
    visualvm --openpid <pid@tab_idx> where tab_idx is a 1-based index of the process' tab to select
  • Example:
    visualvm --openpid 12345
    visualvm --openpid 12345@2
  • --openjmx Opens a process specified by the provided JMX connection in the VisualVM GUI.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --openjmx <host:port>
  • Example:
    visualvm --openjmx
  • --threaddump Takes thread dump of the provided process and opens it in VisualVM GUI.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --threaddump <pid>
  • Example:
    visualvm --threaddump 12345
  • --heapdump Takes heap dump of the provided process and opens it in VisualVM GUI.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --heapdump <pid>
  • Example:
    visualvm --heapdump 12345
  • --start-cpu-sampler Starts CPU sampler session for the provided process.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --start-cpu-sampler <pid> for default settings
    visualvm --start-cpu-sampler <pid@include-classes=<filter>,sampling-rate=<rate_ms>>
    visualvm --start-cpu-sampler <pid@exclude-classes=<filter>,sampling-rate=<rate_ms>>
    visualvm --start-cpu-sampler <pid@settings-file=<settings_file>>
  • Example:
    visualvm --start-cpu-sampler 12345
    visualvm --start-cpu-sampler 12345@exclude-classes=java.**,sampling-rate=20
    visualvm --start-cpu-sampler 12345@settings-file=%TEMP%\sampler_settings.properties
  • --start-memory-sampler Starts memory sampler session for the provided process.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --start-memory-sampler <pid> for default settings
    visualvm --start-memory-sampler <pid@sampling-rate=<rate_ms>>
    visualvm --start-memory-sampler <pid@settings-file=<settings_file>>
  • Example:
    visualvm --start-memory-sampler 12345
    visualvm --start-memory-sampler 12345@sampling-rate=2000
    visualvm --start-memory-sampler 12345@settings-file=%TEMP%\sampler_settings.properties
  • --snapshot-sampler Takes snapshot of the sampling data collected so far for the provided process.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --snapshot-sampler <pid>
  • Example:
    visualvm --snapshot-sampler 12345
  • --stop-sampler Stops the sampler session of the provided process.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --stop-sampler <pid>
  • Example:
    visualvm --stop-sampler 12345
  • --start-jfr Starts flight recording of the provided process.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --start-jfr <pid> for default settings
    visualvm --start-jfr <pid@name=<recording_name>,settings=<jfr_settings>> for custom settings
    visualvm --start-jfr <pid@settings-file=<settings_file>> for custom settings defined in a properties file
  • Example:
    visualvm --start-jfr 12345
    visualvm --start-jfr 12345@name=MyRecording,settings=default
    visualvm --start-jfr 12345@settings-file=%TEMP%\jfr_settings.properties
  • --dump-jfr Dumps the flight recorder data collected so far for the provided process.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --dump-jfr <pid>
  • Example:
    visualvm --dump-jfr 12345
  • --stop-jfr Stops the flight recording of the provided process.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --stop-jfr <pid>
  • Example:
    visualvm --stop-jfr 12345
  • --source-roots Defines the source roots to be searched for the sources by VisualVM.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --source-roots="<source_root[subpaths=subpath1:subpath2][encoding=encoding_name]>"
  • Example:
    visualvm --source-roots="C:\Sources\Root1;C:\Sources\Root2[subpaths=src:test\src]" (Windows)
    visualvm --source-roots="/home/user/src/root1[encoding=UTF-16]:/home/user/src/root2" (macOS, Linux)
  • Details:
    See the Sources Support document.
  • --source-viewer Defines the command to launch an external sources viewer from VisualVM using Go to Source action.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --source-viewer="<viewer_command>"
  • Example:
    visualvm --source-viewer="C:\Software\VSCode\bin\code.cmd -g {file}:{line}:{column}"
  • Details:
    See the Sources Support document.
  • --source-config Defines --source-roots and --source-viewer in a single step using a properties file.
  • The file contains at least one of source-roots and source-viewer key/value pair in java.util.Properties format, UTF-8 encoding.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --source-config <config_file>
  • Example:
    visualvm --source-config %TEMP%\source-config.properties
  • Details:
    See the Sources Support document.
  • --window-to-front Brings the currently opened VisualVM window to front if supported by the OS window system.
  • Usage:
    visualvm --window-to-front

System Properties

Some VisualVM features or behavior can be configured using the system properties provided to the VisualVM launcher.
Make sure to use the visualvm -J-Dsystem.property=value format.

Selected VisualVM System Properties:

Note: System properties specific to VisualVM are not considered a stable API, they may vary among releases and/or be discontinued at any time.

  • visualvm.tmpdir Defines location for storing temporary files like thread dumps, profiler snapshots, etc.
  • Example:
    visualvm -J-Dvisualvm.tmpdir=%TEMP%\visualvm_tmpdir
  • org.graalvm.visualvm.modules.startup.DisableStartupCheck Disables the initial check for a supported JDK on VisualVM startup.
  • Example:
    visualvm -J-Dorg.graalvm.visualvm.modules.startup.DisableStartupCheck=true
  • visualvm.search.process.timeout Maximum number milliseconds to wait for a process id/pid to become available when processing command line options like --openid, --threaddump, --start-cpu-sampler, etc.
  • Example:
    visualvm -J-Dvisualvm.search.process.timeout=10000
  • graphs.forceSpeed Special performance mode for the VisualVM charts disabling transparency & antialiasing.
  • Example:
    visualvm -J-Dgraphs.forceSpeed=true
  • OQLController.limitResults Maximum number of results returned by an OQL query in the heap viewer OQL Console.
  • Example:
    visualvm -J-DOQLController.limitResults=200

Useful Apperance System Properties:

  • sun.java2d.uiScale.enabled Enabling/disabling the implicit Swing scaling on high DPI displays.
  • Example:
    visualvm -J-Dsun.java2d.uiScale.enabled=false
  • sun.java2d.uiScale Definition of the UI scale for the implicit Swing scaling on high DPI displays.
  • Example:
    visualvm -J-Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1.0
  • jdk.gtk.version Definition of GTK engine version to render the VisualVM GUI.
  • Example:
    visualvm -J-Djdk.gtk.version=2